Saturday, March 30, 2024

Maine prisoners launch hunger strike

I just found out that some of the inmates began protesting conditions there in Warren on Thursday! By Evan Popp, Maine State Prison residents launch hunger strike over conditions they call solitary confinement

Shane has stated at times he's only allowed out for a very short time each day, due to staff shortages apparently. 

Randall Liberty is the Commissioner at the state prison, and fairly new at that job; however, was previously the warden there. Liberty was a guest on the Maine podcast "Let's Talk About It" 

I might write to him. Criminal defendants who are facing jail time, and those who are already incarcerated while waiting for their "speedy trial" have a constitutional right to have counsel, effective counsel, appointed to them...and Maine is being sued for failing to provide it.

And according to a Portland Press Herald story: ‘It’s incredibly stressful:’ Aroostook defendants say weeks spent without attorneys makes defense impossible. Yeah there are even fewer lawyers there. Maybe that's because in 2008 and 2010 the Maine Supreme Court crushed Husson College in Bangor's hope of educating students to become lawyers. 

It all boils down to the American Bar Association's strict position/policy, whatever: they want professors to be tenured. And Husson stopped giving lifetime appointments to professors long ago. 

Attorney General Aaron Frey said he wasn't familiar with the Maine Supreme Court rulings, when I mentioned it during an interview Jennifer Rooks conducted with him on Maine Calling last Thursday. I was the last caller to speak. 

It will be of little avail to the poeple that the laws are made by men of their own choice if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read or so incoherent that they cannot be understood. 

                                                      ~James Madison

Portland Press Herald: ‘It’s incredibly stressful:’ Aroostook defendants say weeks spent without attorneys makes defense impossible