I couldn't locate anything regarding Vladek Filler's hearing yesterday. I had planned to go, but didn't. I spoke to Filler's sister Wednesday night, and she left me a voice message after the hearing. No decision's been made regarding the state's arguments against his new trial.
I don't think the media covered it. When I googled the case, I found nothing but older stories, like this one at MDN (Mens News Daily) last month.
I didn't hear about the "Dedication and Tours" of the new $36.4 million Penobscot Judicial Center until late morning of the day of the dedication, Wednesday. It would have been a great place to inform the public about the Filler case, which was heard the next day.
The center was reportedly built under Justice Warren Silver's guidance. Silver is the former attorney of famous fiction author from Bangor Maine, Stephen King. Unfortunately, judicial corruption is very real in Maine and other states.