Friday, April 2, 2010

FBI warns about letters - Capital in Nevada undergoes lockdown!

First came the warning from the FBI, then the lockdown in Nevada. From the story: 
"Security measures were increased after governors in all 50 states received threatening letters." 

I received the news in an email today, with a subject line of "Result of Sam Kennedy's TRAP." The letters, I believe, were sent by the Guardian Elders - it's their Declaration at work. The Declaration is not associated with the Assemblies of men and women on the counties at large, which are also attempting to establish a civilian government. At the website Technosis I found history about both.
Find your assembly and get involved! Over to the right, click on the flashing star and you'll be linked to the Assemblies website; once there, click on the tab labeled Assemblies Info. Calls are held almost every night.