I sent a three-page letter to the court today, four if you include the text message sent from our former tenant/roommate Kevin Thibeault. I requested a lifting of the bail conditions keeping me from being at my property, a dismissal of the case, an appearance by zoom if not dismissed, and I requested the evidence against me...there is none.
I sent a copy to the District Attorney as well; he's in the same building. If the D.A. doesn't dismiss the charges, the presiding judge should file a complaint with the Board of Bar of Overseers against him, for malicious prosecution. Most oversights committees just dismiss complaints they receive from the common man, or woman.
Oh, and I asked for an investigation of the police officer; I threw that in even though I know the judge won't address it. I didn't want to write a separate letter, so I simply added Lieutenant Brian Harris of Troop F to the cc at the end of the letter to the Superior Court, and sent a copy to him in Houlton.