I just added a tab at the top of my page, regarding LAS and Karin Huffer who passed away in 2018. Also added a tab for Equal Access Advocates (EAA). There are some good videos there, one explaining about PTSD. So how many people in the United States suffer from LAS? Could it be our broken justice system is to blame for much of the violence in America?
Huffer discovered that many of the legal system's victims suffer from a variant of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, which she has termed "Legal Abuse Syndrome." The condition derives from the abusive and protracted litigation that many plaintiffs commonly encounter in the courts.The entire justice system needs an overhaul! And officer misconduct is part of the problem that needs to be addressed. It was not the first, second, or third time that the officer who arrested Tyreek Hill acted inappropriately.
According to the records, the officer was accused of misconduct, force violations, and improper procedures. He was also reportedly investigated for using force at least 13 times during his service.
Yet, the story says Officer Danny Torres received an "award for professionalism in May 2023." Similarly Maine Corporal Ted Martin, I'm sure has done some good so far during his brief time with Maine State Police, but his arrest of me on July 10, 2024 was definitely wrong...and he has since lied in the police report, stating that I was intoxicated! Nearly an entire sentence is redacted from the report I got, so I can't determine how much he lied.