Saturday, September 24, 2011

Judge dismisses "eavesdropping" charges against Illinois man

Michael Allison was facing 75 years in jail for recording police officers in court; certain statutes in Illinois make it a felony to record without the permission of all parties. Fortunately, Judge David Frankland dismissed the five counts.

Allison, who repairs cars, was facing charges for breaking an ordinance dealing with non-registered vehicles in his yard, and had asked for a court reporter in his case; when he was denied, he recorded the proceedings himself.

Judge Frankland takes a common-sense approach. He states:  
“The statute [as it is currently written] includes conduct that is unrelated to the statute’s purpose and is not rationally related to the evil the legislation sought to prohibit,”
Allison was a guest on Rule of Law Radio, where you can listen to the archived show. The charges appear to have been in retaliation for Michael Allison exposing what is described at the Rule of Law website as "a massive car title theft ring implicating public servants of municipalities, sheriffs departments, and the State of Illinois." Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!