SAVE President Edward Bartlett said Thursday that funding for criminal prosecutions in Maine should be reduced to help lower the number of what he said are frivolous prosecutions brought against innocent men.S.A.V.E. also wrote to the Maine Criminal Justice Academy regarding it's predominant aggressor curriculum, which portrays men in a most unfavorable light, and called it "gender-profiling." Here's a link to the petition, which it appears is still open to signing.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
"Vladek Filler" case update
The Bangor Daily News ran a story about Filler who was prosecuted by Assistant D.A. Mary Kellett for rape and assault, which it appears he will likely be found innocent of. S.A.V.E. delivered a petition to the governor to get Kellett disbarred. Quoting from the story, a solution...