Sunday, October 10, 2010

Harry Reid and Viagra

In August U.S. Senator for Nevada, and Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid (D) ran this ad   criticizing his opponent, Sharron Angle, for wanting to eliminate the Department of Education. Angle-the Republican nominee for Reid’s seat whose been endorsed by the Tea Party-believes the responsibility for providing education should lie with state and local government, not with federal government... and she cites the 10th Amendment as the authority for that power.

Well, a few days ago Angle began running a commercial in which she states “Reid actually voted to use taxpayer dollars to pay for Viagra for convicted child molesters and sex offenders”: apparently, Reid didn’t oppose an amendment to the Healthcare bill which will allow it in 2014 if nothing is done to stop it.

Harry Reid at Wikipedia
Sharron Angle at Wikipedia

I couldn’t help but be reminded of a Maine case, Pease v. Kester, in which it's mentioned that Medicaid reimbursed a doctor for performing a penile prosthesis on a convicted rapist! I blogged about it in January, 2010.