E-mails I've sent to Maine television and radio stations asking them to report about LD 491 have gone unanswered... and some came back undeliverable. I just copied the emails from the 2009 Maine Association of Broadcasters book! You can get a copy of the MAB directory by calling 1-800-664-6221.
You can listen, at maine.gov/legis, to the public hearings held in Augusta. Judges aren't using the discretion they have properly, or aren't applying the law correctly or consistently. Because of this, people are proposing laws in an effort to make judges more responsible. I've asked legislators to reconsider their "ought not to pass" vote on LD 491.
Call legislators and demand reform of our justice system, by passing J.A.I.L. Call the media and ask that they do a story about J.A.I.L.
" Liberty will not descend to a people, a people must raise themselves to Liberty."
~ Emma Goldman