Thursday, January 22, 2009

Message from Maine Senator Troy Jackson's office!

Legislation from Senator Jackson
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2009 11:18 AM
Subject: Legislation from Senator Jackson

Hi there,

I am Senator Troy Jackson's Legislative Aide, and he asked that I contact you regarding legislation he has submitted on your behalf.  The bill "An Act to Reform Maine's Judicial System", was submitted last week, and will most likely be drafted in what is called a "concept draft" form; it will provide you the platform to testify before the Legislature's Judiciary Committee on the three main issues you would like to see addressed. 

Once the bill is drafted, it will be assigned a Legislative Document number, or LD number, referenced to committee, and scheduled for a public hearing.  There will be at least a two week period from once we notify you about the public hearing and when the public hearing is held, giving you ample time to make arrangements to testify. 

I will keep you updated on the bills progress.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

~Nina Fisher

Nina A. Fisher

Legislative Aide | Maine Senate Majority Office
3 State House Station, Augusta ME 04330

207.287.1515 | F: 207.287.1585 | TTY 207.287.1583