Monday, September 30, 2024

A story of perserverance, and dinosaurs

I don't only blog about the injustices in our justice system, and the other rotting branches of our government...however it's usually related somehow. 

I decided to share the story below about Paleontologist Melanie During because I liked it, and the message at the end of her video...which I created a tab for at the top of my blog. 

Geophysicist Glen Penfield was working at an oil company when he discovered the 6 mile wide crater left by the asteroid that hit earth 66 million years ago; he is mentioned at the Intelligencer, where I first read about Melanie and a controversy between her and another paleontologist she worked with, Robert DePalma. 

Penfield discovered the crater in Yucatan, Mexico, and could have named it the Yucatan Crater, but Kerry Howley who wrote the story, titled The Asteroid-in-Spring Hypothesis, reports:  

He named the crater Chicxulub specifically “to give the academics and NASA naysayers a challenging time pronouncing it after a decade of their dismissals.”

NASA and scientists who had more education than Penfield wouldn't listen to him. 

It's just so hard to imagine that the earth is 4.5 billion years old, and so amazing that scientists can pinpoint the exact season the asteroid hit earth 66 million years ago!  

If you want an easier read about the extinction of dinosaurs, check out this one at the Natural History Museum. Melanie is from the United Kingdom, and I just discovered a podcast which Melanie is a guest on, titled Terrible Lizards

I don't think the time of year will matter much if we are hit by another asteroid like Chicxulub, because I think it's impossible to prepare for. So let's work on something easier, like stopping global warming; it's already destroyed many species.